Kiếm lưỡi cong có cán cầm bằng 2 tay

Two handed sabers

Among some of the more rare edged weapons from Vietnam today are the large two handed sabers, or guőm truòng. The Vietnamese classify them as pole-arms and they feel much like it, with relatively straight, narrow blades of gentle curvature and with long handles of round cross-section. The classical guőm truòng has a bulbous feature right behind the guard.

Two Vietnamese guőm truòng. The top one is from the northern border region with Yunnan and Laos. The bottom is a classic Vietnamese example, with the bulbous feature at the base of the guard. This feature is also seen, in lesser extent, on various Southeast Asian dha
Handle of the classic guőm truòng with its bulbous feature against the guard.


Two handed sabers
Among some of the more rare edged weapons from Vietnam today are the large two handed sabers, or guőm truòng. The Vietnamese classify them as pole-arms and they feel much like it, with relatively straight, narrow blades of gentle curvature and with long handles of round cross-section. The classical guőm truòng has a bulbous feature right behind the guard.

Two Vietnamese guőm truòng. The top one is from the northern border region with Yunnan and Laos.
The bottom is a classic Vietnamese example, with the bulbous feature at the base of the guard.
This feature is also seen, in a lesser extent, on various Southeast Asian dha.
Handle of the classic guőm truòng with its bulbous feature against the guard.

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